A good and cozy house is warm in winter, dry in rainy weather, moderately bright when needed, well ventilated and protected from noise and dust.
How, you ask, can a house combine all of these properties at the same time? Maybe. And modern engineering technologies play an important role in this, which allows you to customize the internal environment of your home the way you need, depending on the circumstances or the time of year.
In a good house, everything is important: walls, foundation, roofing, heating, ventilation, windows. In this publication we will talk about the role windows play in the comfort of a home and how they are replaced during renovation or construction.
Removing old windows
Replacing windows is one of the first jobs that is performed when renovating premises. Because after installing the windows, you can begin the rest of the work in the room: plastering the walls, laying out the slopes, leveling the floor, etc.
Removing windows in a not-new room is quite a dusty job. Therefore, before dismantling, it is recommended to empty the room as much as possible, and cover the remaining items with construction film to avoid contamination.
Since the removal of windows completely opens the space to the street, it is recommended to replace windows in the warm season. But if the circumstances are such that windows are replaced during the cold season, then a thick construction film fixed into the window openings can temporarily close the room from the street until new windows are installed.
Sizing and production
Perhaps this is stage zero. After all, without taking dimensions and launching production, all other stages are meaningless. To start producing windows you need to know your needs. Window size is just one of the parameters. Additionally you need to know:
- what profile thickness is best to use?
- which double-glazed window is suitable for better thermal and noise insulation
- is child protection needed to prevent them from opening windows without adult help?
- what color of windows will suit the style of the room?
- you need transparent glass, glass with impact protection or artistic glass (opaque)
- in which direction the windows will open, the model of fittings and other important details
Only after all the parameters have been clarified, the customer can put his signature on the order, and the manufacturer can start production. Window production is exactly the case when it is better to think twice and do it once, because it is impossible to redo an order and resell finished windows to another customer is also rarely possible.
Installation of PVC windows
The final stage, which is accompanied by finishing work, because before installation all preparatory work must be completed.
The correct installation of windows determines how they will conserve heat and serve properly. Windows must be installed with a stop, that is, they must not have air pockets into which they could fall after installation. For sealing, builders usually use foam and metal fasteners to firmly secure the structure. Do not forget that the windows must not only be placed in the window opening, but also withstand the onslaught of the wind, which can be very strong in windy weather.
The final stage of window installation is finishing work on building slopes inside the room and installing window sills and canopies. Additionally, to ensure security, metal roller blinds can be installed to completely cover the window like a curtain while you are away from home.